2002-2006, Location: Kab. Solok, Pesisir Selatan, Sawahlunto Sijunjung, Pasaman, Prov. West Sumatra, User Services: Ministry of Health, Project Name: WSLIC (Water and Sanitation for Low Income Communities)


WSLIC (Water and Sanitation for Low Income Communities) 

PT. Arkonin Engineering Mangala Pratama participate in the activities of the Directorate General of Communicable Disease Control and Environmental Health (DG PPM & PL), Ministry of Health. For program activities Second Water and Sanitation for Low Income Communities Project, Package F: West Sumatra Province (Loan IBRD No. 3382-IND) – (Original Contract – Addendum III and Single Source Selection) in which was held on March 2002 s / d in July 2006 , Location: Kab. Solok, Pesisir Selatan, Sawahlunto Sijunjung, Pasaman, Prov. West Sumatra

This activity is a technical assistance grant the Village including:

  1. Management oversight and support to the commmunity Facilitator (CF) during the preparation of Community Action Plan (CAP), school activities and the related public health and water supply unit creation and management of sanitation to ensure the sustainability of the post-project, including the preparation of community agreements in selected villages.
  2. Technical support to CF and Village Implementation Team (VIT) with the preparation of detailed engineering design (DED) for water and sanitation facilities for the participating institutions of the village.
  3. Technical support to the CF and the community with the construction work in accordance with the approved CAP.