2017, Area: 41 points SANIMAS 2017 locations in 38 districts / cities and 6 points SANIMAS 2016 locations in 12 provinces in Eastern Indonesia, User Services: PPLP Directorate, Ministry DGHS PUPR

Monitoring and Evaluation of the Implementation of Community-Based Sanitation in Eastern Indonesia (Consultant Advisory SANIMAS Regular East Region Year 2017)

Project description:

  1. Accompanying the implementation of activities SANIMAS 2017;
  2. Providing assistance SANIMAS functionality and sustainability that has been built in 2016.
  3. Providing justification and advisory (Technical and management) on the implementation SANIMAS SANIMAS FY 2016 and FY 2017.
  4. Identifying SANIMAS awakened in 2016 can still be improved func- tionality.
  5. Facilitate the implementation of activities SANIMAS for selecting and siting, RPA, technology selection, formation of SHGs and KPP, preparation of RKM, create an image of the design and implementation plan, training is required, the procurement of goods and services in the community, construction, operation and maintenance.
  6. Monitoring performance TFL Technical assistance and empowerment, as well as the commitment from local government.
  7. Analyze the effectiveness of the implementation process SANIMAS activities through fund spending on goods.
  8. Giving advice / feedback implementation SANIMAS activities.