2016, Area: 24 landfills in 18 provinces in Indonesia’s East Region, User Services: Directorate PPLP, DGHS PUPR
Infrastructure Development Technical Assistance East Region Waste Management
Project description:
- Provide technical assistance to the Government Kab./Kota in eastern Indonesia which is implementing the construction of landfill waste activities to be funded by the State Budget (APBN) in FY 2016.
- To monitor the progress of the construction of the landfill in accordance with the scheme SISDALMEN.
- To monitor the construction of the landfill which has not been / are being / have been tendered FY 2016.
- Monitoring and evaluation of tender documents landfill development FY 2016.
- To collect data related to infrastructure landfills in all regencies / cities in each province woke up and make checklist TPA infrastructure
- Monitored in the framework of the implementation of the development and operation (for new landfill development activities and advanced) throughout the landfill FY 2016.
- Doing workshop about evaluation results increase landfill development and provide recommendations
- Documentation, such as photo and video drone
- Preparation of Profile Books landfill containing solid waste management system in the city / county.