2011, Area: DKI Jakarta, User Services: Jakarta Sanitation Departmen
Academic Master Plan and Solid Waste Assessment 2012 -2032 Jakarta
Job description:
- Identification of Waste Management Conditions in Jakarta, include: Aspects of the Regulation, Institutional Funding, Community Participation Social / Cultural, Technical and Operations.
- Inventory Infrastructures in Waste Management in Jakarta, covering the steps of: sorting, collection, transport, processing and final processing waste.
- Create and map the existing treatment patterns following the availability of facilities and infrastructure in the five (5) of the City Administration in Jakarta and Islands District Administration thousand.
- Identification and analysis in accordance with the service area generation processing of waste in Jakarta as well as analyzing the composition and characteristics of waste.
- Analyzing the results of studies and the waste composition Master Plan JICA in 1987, as well as the Master Plan Review, 2005 (WJEMP).
- Develop Service Standards Sorting and Collecting Trash.
- Develop criteria and standards for sorting and waste collection, developing the concept of design / design improvements and facilities where waste sorting garbage collector.
- Develop a system of resources and transportation services or garbage temporary shelters or on the integrated waste treatment facility to get to the final processing.
- Assessing the needs of final waste processing site High Technology-based environmentally friendly.
- Make technical recommendations utilization of the Integrated Waste Management (TPST) High Technology-based Regional Environmental Friendly.
- Assessing the institutional aspects that can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of waste management.
- Reviewing the regulatory aspects that can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of waste management.
- Reviewing the funding aspect which includes the estimated cost of short-term waste management activities (annual), medium term (five years) and long term, including the calculation of the amount tipping fee waste processing
- Examines aspects of social community and culture as instructed in the Law 18 of 2008 on Waste Management
- Develop Academic Waste Jakarta, is poured into the Academic Studies Academic