Development of the Company in Addressing the many Areas of Expertise Services
The establishment of PT. Arkonin Engineering Manggala Pratama on the initiative of the founder, who was working at PT. Arkonin in the Engineering Division; the founders saw an opportunity on the needs of consultancy services in the field of infrastructure and an increase in employment / infrastructure project, it was established PT. Arkonin Engineering Manggala Pratama Jakarta as a subsidiary
of PT. Arkonin, on August 31, 1982 by the Notary Hobropoerwanto No. 35 and endorsed by the Minister of Justice No. C2-6751-HT01-01 of 14 October 1983. PT. Arkonin Engineering Manggala Pratama and PT. Arkonin is a subsidiary of PT. Pembangunan Jaya Group, which has over 20 subsidiary companies in various fields of business.

At the start of operation, PT. Arkonin Engineering Manggala Pratama only handle projects – projects in the field of keciptakaryaan, particularly the field of drinking water. Along with the development of the company and the needs of development, PT. Arkonin Manggala Pratama Engineering develops projects dealing with different fields, including the field of environment, which consists of drinking water, waste water and waste management; infrastructure, consisting of roads and bridges, water resources, development of the area; electrical and industrial fields.
In a further development, PT. Arkonin Engineering Manggala Pratama develop the services, other than in the field of engineering is also in the field of management and empowerment, it is triggered by the development of government projects in the field of community development, such as P2KP, PNPM, WS-LIC, PAMSIMAS and SANIMAS.
In implementing these projects, in addition carried out by PT. Arkonin Engineering Mangala Primary, also in collaboration with other consulting firms, consultants both domestically and abroad, such as Scott & Purfy, Yachio Engineering, Nippon Koei, Nihon Suido, CDM Smitch, Hyundai Engineering Co. Ltd., Nikken Sekei, Montgomery Watson, DHV Consultants BV SMEC International Pty. Ltd., Black & Veatch GHD, Pöyry Environment GmbH, Lahmeyer International etc.
The projects are funded by the central government, local government (provincial / district / municipal) through APBN / APBD, grants and foreign loans (loan) from various donors, including the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, JICA, JBIC, JIC, IDB and KfW.
PT. Arkonin Engineering Manggala Pratama managed by a board of directors that is supported by professional experts from various disciplines (multidisciplinary), technicians and supporting staff are experienced.