Assalammualaikum, Welcome to Arkonin Engineering Manggala Pratama   Click to listen highlighted text! Assalammualaikum, Welcome to Arkonin Engineering Manggala Pratama

2016, Location: District Kiwirok – Star Mountains District – Papua Province, User Services: The Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Indonesia – Center for Research and Development


Airport Master Plan Planning Kiwirok 

Project description:

Conduct analysis of topography, analyze the physical condition of the land (hand drill and sondir), planning the run way (onshore facilities) and facilities planning air airports, as well as planning support facilities airport (finger-ngan environmental drainage, planning pavement run way, construction planning operational support airports, utilities planning, among others, the water network, electricity network, electricity grid, telephone network.

Substantially Planning Kiwirok Airport Master Plan Papua among others contains:

  1. Setting up the concept of planning and design of airport Kiwirok in Bintang Mountains Regency -Papua, according NSPK relevant
  2. Characterization and prediction of traffic conditions and air transport until the end of the design of the master plan
  3. Analysis of air space and air traffic services
  4. Feasibility analysis of the location of the region as an airport location
  5. Analysis of the needs of airport facilities, facilities airside, landside, utilities, navigation and telecommunication tools flights
  6. Creating a site plan facilities – airport facilities more efficient and effective
  7. Knowing and estimate the environmental impact of airport development and operations
  8. Doing forecasting needs of the construction cost of the master plan
  9. Make a financial and economic analysis of the Pemba-opment and airport operations
  10. Knowing the feasibility of building and operating airports on the economic and financial studies.
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