PT. Arkonin MP Provide Engineering Consultancy Services in National Development

PT. Arkonin Engineering Manggala Pratama has four divisions which describe fields and services exper-tise, namely the Environmental Division dealing with drinking water (intake, WTP, transmission pipelines,

Picture: Drilling for methane gas in the WTE process

distribution networks major distribution network for the reservoir, mechanical / electrical and ancillary buildings), wastewater (installation waste water treatment, waste water system piping network / sew-erage systems, house connections and support buildings) and waste management (the system of segregation, collection, transportation, processing and final processing); Division of Infrastructure and Water Resources handles roads and bridges, devel-opment of the area (residential, industrial areas, golf courses, offices, shopping centers, commercial areas, drainage, electricity grids, telecommunication net-works, networks of drinking water, landscape, sewer-age); Division of Electrical and Industrial handles power generation (hydroelectric, gas, steam, diesel), transmission and distribution networks (high-volt-age wires and extra high voltage), the building industry, cement factories, mining, offshore and onshore, mining, oil and gas; Division of Community Development and Settlement handle socialization, training, mentoring, capacity building / capacity building, community base development, manage-ment and workshops (project P2KP, WS-LIC, PNPM, PAMSIMAS, SANIMAS).

Types of expertise include surveying, investigation, feasibility study / studies, basic design / preliminary design, detailed engineering design, supervision / oversight, commissioning test / trial run.

Picture: Semen Gresik Factory Infrastructure

Environment Division
Was set up to anticipate the needs of infrastructure and facilities, along with the development in Indonesia. Environmental Division consists of three parts, namely: Drinking Water, Wastewater and Waste Management. Read more

Division of Infrastructure and Water Resources
Is one of the divisions in the PT Arkonin Engineering Mangala Primary. This division consists of two parts, namely: Infrastructure, and Water Resources. Read more

Community Development and Housing Division
Was formed as a response to PT. Arkonin Engineering Manggala Pratama to the development needs of the government, primarily driven by the impact of the financial crisis in 1997 – 2000. Read more

Division of Electrical and Industrial
Handles power generation (hydroelectric, gas, steam, diesel), transmission and distribution networks (high-volt-age wires and extra high voltage), the building industry, cement factories, mining, offshore and onshore, mining, oil and gas. Read more