2016, Location: East Java province, User Services: Ministry PUPR, Project name: UKL-UPL Preparation of the National Strategic Area Tourism Region (KSN) Bromo Tengger Semeru (BTS)


 PT. Arkonin Engineering Manggala Pratama participate in activities in the program of the Ministry PUPR DG Human Settlements Development Directorate of Settlement Settlement Area Development PIU with the type of work Preparation of UKL-UPL KSN Tourism Region Bromo Tengger Semeru (BTS) Location: East Java province in 2016.

Job description:
The objective of the development of rural infrastructure supporting tourism Bromo Tengger Semeru is improving national tourism potential, especially 10 tourist destinations of national priorities by emphasizing the concept of DOT (Destination, Organization and Time), which is closely related to support the provision of regional infrastructure are the responsibility of the Ministry of PUPR namely the provision of roads, water, sanitation and arrangement of residential areas.
Benefits of activities for the government is to improve the national economy, increase revenue (PAD), for the community is to improve quality of life, increase employment and business opportunity and benefit to the environment is the increase love and preserve the natural environment and local culture.