Picture: Desain 3D IKK Gunung Kerinci

Environment Division was set up to anticipate the needs of infrastructure and facilities, along with the development in Indonesia.

Environmental Division is a division of the four divisions in the PT. Arkonin Engineering Mangala Primary. Environmental Division consists of three parts, namely: Drinking Water, Wastewater and Waste Management.

Environmental Division dealing with drinking water (intake, WTP, transmission pipelines, distribution networks major distribution network for the reservoir, mechanical / electrical and ancillary buildings), wastewater (installation waste water treatment, waste water system piping network / sew-erage systems, house connections and support buildings) and waste management (the system of segregation, collection, transportation, processing and final processing).

PT. Arkonin Manggala Pratama Engineering has vast experience in the field of Water Supply, include: Raw Water, Building Air Intake / Intake, Transmission Pipeline, Pipelines Distribution, Water Treatment Plant, Reservoir, pump, SCADA, Connections Home and other supporting buildings.

Services Expertise implemented include: Assessment, Feasibility Studies (Technical and Non-Technical), the Master Plan (Masterplan), Advisory, Real Needs Survey, Detailed Engineering Design, Supervision and Commissioning Test. Some of the major projects that have been made will be described below.


  1. 2016-2018, User Services: PT. Moya Indonesia; Review Design dan Pengawasan, Pemasangan Jaringan Pipa Distribusi Utama (JDU) dan Jaringan Pipa Distribusi Bagi (JDB), pada Zona 1, Koridor 2 (benda – Batu Ceper). Read More

  2. 2015, User Services: PAM Directorate, Ministry DGHS PUPR; Review Design dan Pengawasan Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum di 14 Lokasi di wilayah Indonesia Bagian Tengah dan Timur. Read More

  3. 2014, User Services: PAM Directorate, Ministry DGHS PUPR; Review Design dan Pengawasan Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum di Sulawesi Selatan dan Gorontalo. Read More

  4. 2014-2015, User Services: PAM Directorate, Ministry DGHS PUPR; Review Design dan Pengawasan Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum Ibu Kota-Kecamatan(IKK) di Wilayah Sumatera dan Jawa Barat. Read More

  5. 2013, User Services: PAM Directorate, Ministry DGHS PUPR; Pengawasan Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum di Sulawesi Selatan dan Sulawesi Barat. Read More

  6. 2016-2017, User Services: PAM Directorate, Ministry DGHS PUPR; Review Design dan Pengawasan Pembangunan Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum Kabupaten Blora. Read More


Experience PT. Arkonin Manggala Pratama Engineering in the field of waste water include: Network Piping Water Treatment, Wastewater Treatment Systems, Pump House, House Connection, and City Sanitation Community Based Sanitation. Services Expertise implemented include: assessment, feasibility study (Feasibility Study) technical and non-technical, master plan (master plan), design (DED), Advisory, SOP, Facilitate Implementation of Sanitation for Institutional and Community Supervision Development and Commissioning Test.
Some of the major projects that have been implemented will be described below:


  1. 2009-2016 (82 months), User Services: Directorate PPLP, DGHS Ministry PUPR; Design review Supervision and Wastewater Pipeline Network Development, Home Pumps and Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Denpasar Sewerage Development Project II (DSDP II). Read More
  2. 2012, User Services: Directorate PPLP, DGHS Ministry PUPR; Institutions and Public Assistance related pilot Project Sanitation Sub-Program – D (WASAP-D)  Read More
  3. 2016, User Services: Directorate PPLP, DGHS Ministry PUPR; Monitoring, Evaluation and Study on the Implementation of Community-Based Sanitation in Indonesia Read More
  4. Year: 2017, User Services: PPLP Directorate, Ministry DGHS PUPR; Monitoring Implementation and Evaluation of Community Based Sanitation in Eastern Indonesia Read More


Some of the major projects of waste management that have been implemented described below:


  1. December 2017- October 2019 (22 months), User Services: Environmental Health Systems Development Project Implementing Unit Provincial Settlement Bali; Integrated Design (Design and Build) for Regional Landfill Revitalization Activity Sarbagita Suwung. Read More
  2. 2017, User Services: Directorate PPLP, DGHS PUPR; Infrastructure Development Technical Assistance East Region Waste Management. Read More
  3. 2016, User Services: Directorate PPLP, DGHS PUPR; Infrastructure Development Technical Assistance East Region Waste Management. Read More
  4. 2011, User Services: Jakarta Sanitation Department; Preparation of Pre FS Waste Transport Services Jakarta. Read More
  5. 2011, User Services: Jakarta Sanitation Department; Study of Composition and Characteristics of Waste in Jakarta. Read More
  6. 2011, User Services: Jakarta Sanitation Department; Master Plan and Assessment of Academic Waste Jakarta 2012 – 2032. Read More
