0 Total Projects
68 Company Experiences

PT. Arkonin Engineering Manggala Pratama has vast experience in the field of Water Supply.
Some of the major projects that have been made described below:

  1. 2016-2018, User Services: PT. Moya Indonesia; Project name: Review Design dan Pengawasan, Pemasangan Jaringan Pipa Distribusi Utama (JDU) dan Jaringan Pipa Distribusi Bagi (JDB), pada Zona 1, Koridor 2 (benda – Batu Ceper). Read More
  2. 2015, User Services: PAM Directorate, Ministry DGHS PUPR; Project name: Review Design dan Pengawasan Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum di 14 Lokasi di wilayah Indonesia Bagian Tengah dan Timur. Read More
  3. 2014, User Services: PAM Directorate, Ministry DGHS PUPR; Project name: Review Design dan Pengawasan Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum di Sulawesi Selatan dan Gorontalo. Read More
  4. 2014-2015, User Services: PAM Directorate, Ministry DGHS PUPR; Project name: Review Design dan Pengawasan Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum Ibu Kota-Kecamatan(IKK) di Wilayah Sumatera dan Jawa Barat. Read More
  5. 2013, User Services: PAM Directorate, Ministry DGHS PUPR; Project name: Pengawasan Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum di Sulawesi Selatan dan Sulawesi Barat. Read More
  6. 2016-2017, User Services: PAM Directorate, Ministry DGHS PUPR; Project name: Review Design dan Pengawasan Pembangunan Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum Kabupaten Blora. Read More



Some of the major projects that have been implemented in the field of waste water described below:

  1. 2009-2016 (82 months), User Services: Directorate PPLP, DGHS Ministry PUPR; Project name: Design review Supervision and Wastewater Pipeline Network Development, Home Pumps and Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Denpasar Sewerage Development Project II (DSDP II). Read More
  2. 2012, User Services: Directorate PPLP, DGHS Ministry PUPR; Project name: Institutions and Public Assistance related pilot Project Sanitation Sub-Program – D (WASAP-D)  Read More
  3. 2016, User Services: Directorate PPLP, DGHS Ministry PUPR; Project name: Monitoring, Evaluation and Study on the Implementation of Community-Based Sanitation in Indonesia Read More
  4. 2017, User Services: PPLP Directorate, Ministry DGHS PUPR; Project name: Monitoring Implementation and Evaluation of Community Based Sanitation in Eastern Indonesia Read More


  1. December 2017- October 2019 (22 months), User services: Environmental Health Systems Development Project Implementing Unit Provincial Settlement Bali; Project name:  Integrated Design (Design and Build) for Regional Landfill Revitalization Activity Sarbagita Suwung. Read More
  2. 2017, User services: Directorate PPLP, DGHS PUPR; Project name: Infrastructure Development Technical Assistance East Region Waste Management. Read More
  3. 2016, User services: Directorate PPLP, DGHS PUPR; Project name: Infrastructure Development Technical Assistance East Region Waste Management. Read More
  4. 2011, User services: Jakarta Sanitation Department; Project name: Preparation of Pre FS Waste Transport Services Jakarta. Read More
  5. 2011, User services: Jakarta Sanitation Department; Project name: Study of Composition and Characteristics of Waste in Jakarta. Read More
  6. 2011, User services: Jakarta Sanitation Department; Project name: Master Plan and Assessment of Academic Waste Jakarta 2012 – 2032. Read More


  1. 2012 – 2014, User Services: Jakarta Sanitation Department; Project name: Detailed Engineering Design (DED) and supervision Bantargebang. Read More


  1. 2018, User services; Ministry PUPR – Project name: Sustainability Innovation PLP Sector
  2. 2018, Project name:  The Ministry PUPR – Project name: Supervision Consultant SPAM IKK Hungary Package 1
  3. 2017-2019, User services; Ministry PUPRProject name: Integrated Design and Build Construction (Design and Build) Revitalization Works Regional Landfill Sarbagita Suwung (MYC) in Jalan Danau Tamblingan No. 49 Werdhapura, Sanur Denpasar
  4. 2017-2019, User services; The Ministry PUPR Project name: Supervision Consultant JDU SPAM IKK Hungary Development Package 1
  5. 2017-2018, User services; PT. PLN (Persero)Project name: Consulting Services Assessment Document Preparation Liquid Waste Disposal Permits (IPLC) power plant / MG Kaltim Peaker 100 MW
  6. 2017, User services; ESP Project name: City Technical Capacity Support for Solid Waste Management Investment Screening & Feasibility Studies Preparation
  7. 2017, User services; Water Resources Department Prov. Jakarta – Project name: Academic and preparation of the draft law On Waste Water –
  8. 2017, User services; PT. Vale Indonesia, Tbk. – Project name: Waste Management Compliance Review-
  9. 2017, User services; Ministry PUPR Project name: Preparation of PTMP and DED landfill Polewali Mandar –
  10. 2017, User services; Ministry PUPR, – Project name: Bantek Waste Infrastructure Development Eastern Region (PPLP-13.2017)
  11. 2017, User services; Ministry PUPR, – Project name: Preparation of Regional Infrastructure Sector Institutional PLP (PPLP-5.2017)
  12. 2017, User services; JICA – Project name: Data Collection Survey on Establishing a Sound Material Cycle Society Through Public Private Partnership
  13. 2016-2017, User services; The Ministry PUPRProject name: Optimizing the Supervision Consultant SPAM Blora (MYC 16-17)
  14. 2016-2018, User services; PT. Moya IndonesiaProject name: Design reviewJDU, JDB, Pipe reticulation and Monitoring Pipeline Installation Work Zone 1 (Phase 1) Corridor 2 (Benda – Stone Ceper)
  15. 2016, User services; The City Administration Project name: Environmental Quality Monitoring Around Bantargebang, SPA Sunter and TPS 5 Areas City and County
  16. 2016, User services; Ministry PUPRProject name: Technical Assistance Waste Infrastructure Development Eastern Region (PPLP-17.2016)
  17. 2016, User services; Ministry PUPRProject name: Supervision Consultant Regional Strategic Water IB
  18. 2016, User services; Ministry PUPR  – Project name: Preparation of DED SPAM Region 2 (10 / AM-BTN)
  19. 2016, User services; PT. Jakarta Utilities Propertindo Project name: Preparation of Pre-Feasibility Study (FS) ITF Marunda
  20. 2016, User services; Ministry PUPRProject name: Preparation of Banjar Bakula DED Regional Landfill
  21. 2015-2016, User services; PT Pelindo IV (Persero) – Project name: Addendum Preparation of Documents Reliable and Environmental Management Plan (RKL) – Environmental Monitoring Plan (RPL) Port Development Tarakan
  22. 20152017, User services; The Ministry PUPRProject name: DED Review and Supervision Consultant Water Development System (SPAM) IKK Hungary Package 1
  23. 20152016, User services; PT Pelindo IV (Persero) –Project name: Addendum Preparation of Documents Reliable and Environmental Management Plan (RKL) – Environmental Monitoring Plan (RPL) Nunukan Port Development
  24. 2015, User Services; The Ministry of Transportation – Project name: Study of Environmental Evaluation Document Preparation (Delh) Airports Cluster II
  25. 20152016, User services;PT. Jakarta KonsultindoProject name: Consultant Selection Assistance Strategic Partner Development and Operation of ITF Cakung – Cilincing
  26. 2015, User services; The City AdministrationProject name: Analysis and Evaluation of Waste Operation River
  27. 2015, User services; CMEA-Coordinating Ministry for Economic AffairsProject name: National Policy and Strategy Studies Waste Management Acceleration
  28. 2015, User services; Ministry PUPRProject name: Infrastructure Investment Facilitation PMU Water Supply System and Processing Waste
  29. 2015, User services; The Ministry PUPRProject name: SPAM Supervision Consultant Strategic Area 2
  30. 2015, User services; The Ministry PUPR Project name: Supervision Consultant SPAM Jabar 1 (PKPAM-Jabar-Kons-01)
  31. 2015, User services; PT Pelindo IV (Persero) – Project name: Evaluation Document Preparation Environment / Environmental Management Document (Delh / DPLH) Port of Tarakan and Nunukan harbor
  32. 2015, User services; PT. Bumi Serpong DamaiProject name: Review and DED XIV Sector Intake and Water Transmission Pipeline to WTP 1.5 BSD XIV East Nusa Loka
  33. 2015-2014, User services; Bappeda Jambi CityProject name: Document Preparation System Master Plan for Water Supply (RI-SPAM)
  34. 2015, User services; The Ministry PUPRProject name: Engineering Consulting Services for Regional Solid Waste Management Project for Mamminasata (RSWMMP) South Sulawesi (JICA IP # 558)
  35. 2014, User services; BPLHDsProject name: Planning Consultancy Services (Planning) Greenhouse Gas Inventory
  36. 2014, User services; City GovernmentProject name: Pre FS ITF Duri Kosambi
  37. 2014-2016, User services; Ministry of Health – Project name: STBM Coordinators for the Province and STBM Facilitator for District Region-1 of Pamsimas II Program
  38. 2014-2015, User services; Ministry PUPRProject name: Construction Supervision Consultant SPAM IKK Sambong Jiken IKK IKK IKK Jepon Bogorego and MBR Cepu Central Java
  39. 2014, User services; Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Project name: Indonesia Waste Amount and Composition Survey (Rainy Season) for the Project for Capacity Development of Central and Local Government for the 3Rs and Domestic Waste Management System in Indonesia (3R-RI)
  40. 2014, User services; Ministry PUPRProject name: PPSP Technical Facilitation Consultant PIU
  41. 2014, User services; Ministry PUPRProject name: Institutional Strengthening SPAM UPTD / BLUDs
  42. 2014, User services; Pacific Islands Department of Public WorksProject name: Facilitation Preparation of Master Plan and Revitalization DED Waste Systems Garbage Pangkalpinang
  43. 2014, User services; The Ministry PUPRProject name: UWSSP Supervision Consultant (PKPAM-Jabar-Kons-01)
  44. 2014, User services; PDAM DKI Jakarta – Project name:Preparation of Master Plan Consultant Supply and Improvement of Water Supply for DKI Jakarta Year 2015-2035
  45. 2014, User services; Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)Project name: Indonesia Waste Amount and Composition Survey (Dry Season) for the Project for Capacity Development of Central and Local Government for the 3Rs and Domestic Waste Management System in Indonesia (3R-RI)
  46. 2013-2016, User services; Ministry PUPRProject name: Regional Oversight Management Services (ROMS) -1 IBRD Loan 8259-IND
  47. 2013, User services; Perum Perhutani Central OfficeProject name: Study of Business Development Packaged Drinking Water (bottled water) Perhutanioffice Based Water Resource Potential and Market Opportunities.
  48. 2013, User services; Ministry PUPRProject name: Supervision Consultant SPAM-8 Package
  49. 2013, User services; Tri Patra Project name:Engineering Services for Pipe Rack
  50. 2013, User services; Ministry Keseatan RIProject name: Procurement of PAM STBM Regional Facilitator 1
  51. 2012, User services; BPLHDProject name: Carrying Capacity Assessment and Capacity Scale Regional District of
  52. 2012, User services; Bintan Local Government Project name: Document Preparation Environment Galang Batang Industrial
  53. 2012, User services; Ministry PUPRProject name: Supervision Consultant WASAP-D
  54. 2012, User services; Ministry PUPRProject name: SPAM IKK SPKA Supervision Consultant
  55. 2012, User services; Indonesia Santitation Urban Water and Hygiene (IUWASH) – Project name:Study Raw Water Intake taps DAS Deli location of North Sumatera Province Regional Tirtanadi Martubung Medan North Sumatra Province – Development Alternative Inc. (DAI)
  56. 2012, User services; Ministry PUPRProject name: District Management Consultant
  57. 2012, User services; Ministry PUPR Project name: PIU Technical Assistance Consultants PPSP (Kn-PPLPS.01.12)
  58. 2011, User services; City Government Project name: Masterplan and Assessment of Academic Waste
  59. 2011, User services; District Public Works Department Project name: Lahat DED Capacity Additions taps Lahat
  60. 2011, User services; Ministry PUPRProject name: Housing Profile Preparation Not Livable in order Kampung Improvement (P.III-1.5)
  61. 2011, User services; Ministry PUPRProject name: Performance Evaluation System Benefits of Water Development Capital District (SPAM-CCI) and the Water Development and Community Based Sanitation (PAMSIMAS)
  62. 2011, User services; PPK Jabodetabek PIU Environmental Sanitation DevelopmentProject name: Masterplan Settlement Drainage Jakarta
  63. 2011, User services; Ministry PUPRProject name: Preparation of Strategic Sanitation Assistance Consultants City (SSK) Region II
  64. 2011, User services; Central Sumatra River Region IV – EIA Study and Line suppletion Embung Galang Batang
  65. 2011, User services; The Ministry PUPRProject name: Loan Facilitation Proposal Preparation for Banking taps in Regions 1
  66. 2011, User services; Ministry PUPRProject name: Development Supervision Consultant SPAM South Sulawesi
  67. 2011, User services; Ministry PUPR Project name: The preparation Wastewater Master Plan Bandung Raya
  68. 2011-2012, User services; Ministry PUPR Project name: Indonesia Water and Sanitation Program Grant No. TF094270 Sub-D Program Community Sanitation and Municipal Pilots Project


0 Total Projects
59 Company Experiences
  1. 2015 – 2017, Location: Lampung Province, User services: PT Waskita, Project name: Toll Road Bakauheni – Large Terbanggi. Read More
  2. 2015 , Location: Jakarta, User services: PT. Panca Mitra Persada, Project name: Basic Plan Design Jalan Semanggi Interchange. Read More
  3. 1995 – present, Location: Kota Baru Parahyangan – Padalarang, West Java, User services: PT Belaputera Intiland Lyman Group, Kota Baru Parahyangan. Project name: Planning Infrastructure Detail, Is one of the developers of the faithful entrusted to our infrastructure design, since tahun 1995 – now. Read More
  4. 2015, Location: Padalarang Bandung, West Java Province, User services: PT. Bela Parahyangan Investindo, Project name: Conduct analysis of topography, hydrology and hydraulics analysis, planning, land grading, planning of roads. Read More
  5. 2015, Location: East Karawang, West Java, User services: PT. Surya Cipta Swadaya, Project name: Planning Building Detail Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) Organica Suryacipta City Industry. Read More
  6. 2016, Location: District Kiwirok – Star Mountains District – Papua Province, User services: The Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Indonesia – Project name: Center for Research and Development, Airport Master Plan Planning Kiwirok. Read More
  7. 2016, Location: Mamuju, West Sulawesi, Owner: PT ASDP Ferry Indonesia (Persero), Project name: Feasibility Study and Review Survey of Investigation and Design Modifications Pier Piers Mamuju. Read More
  8. 2012, Location: Cikarang district. Bekasi, West Java, User services: PT. Puradelta Lestari, Project name: Planning Cipamingkis River Bridge 1 Delta Mas. Read More


  1. 2015, User Services: PT. Bumi Serpong Damai – Flood Control Planning Serpong area Green Village 2. Read More
  2. 2013, User Services: PT. Earth Parama Wisesa – Engineering Design Of Water Body & Country Club Lake In Nava Park BSD City. Read More
  1. 2018, User Services; PT China Harbor Jakarta Real Estate Development – DED Daan City Infrastructure Project Phase II –
  2. 2018-2019, User Services; Waskita Karya (Persero)Technical Plan End / Detailed Engineering Design (DED) chartering services Development Works (Design And Build) Road Toll High Cliff – Parapat (Phase Segment Tebing Tinggi – Serbelawan (Sta. 00 + 000 – Sta. 30 + 000) Includes Simpang Arrange Serbelawan
  3. 2017-2018, User Services; PT. Hutama Karya (Persero) – Engineering Consultancy Services Plan End (s) and Toll Road Sigli Banda Aceh – Package 4 (Indrapuri – Blang Bintang)
  4. 2017-2018, User Services; Hutama Karya (Persero) – Preparation Consultancy Services Feasibility Study (Feasibility Study), Preliminary Design (Basic Design), Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and the Land Acquisition Planning Document (DPPT) Toll Road Betung (Sp. Sekayu) – Tempino – Jambi
  5. 2017-2018, User Services; PT. Hutama Karya (Persero) – Engineering Consultancy Services Plan End (s) and Toll Road Pekanbaru – Dumai (Section 5) –
  6. 2017-2019, User Services; PT. Hutama Karya (Persero) – Independent Quality Control Consultancy Services (PMI) Toll Road Pekanbaru – Dumai Section 1, Section 2 and Section 3 
  7. 2017, User Services; Hutama Karya (Persero) – Technical Assistance Traffic Impact Analysis (ANDALALIN) and Six Studies Traffic Toll Roads Trans Sumatra
  8. 2017-2018, User Services; PT. Trans Jabar Tol, Final Technical Plan Toll Road Ciawi – Sukabumi Session 3
  9. 2017, User Services; PT. WaskitaFinal Technical Plan / Detailed Engineering Design (DED) Toll Road Terbanggi Great – Great Wood STA. 28 + 650-53 + 650 in Lampung Province
  10. 2017, User Services; PT. Semesta Marga RayaDesign Review of Ramp Ciledug on the road Kanci – Pejagan
  11. 2017-2015, User Services; The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources – Physical Activity Development Supervision Bioenergy II
  12. 2016-2018, User Services; PT. ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) – Procurement of Building Construction Consultants Pier VII Merak
  13. 2016-2017, User Services;  PT. WaskitaPlanning Preliminary Design (Basic Design) and Detailed Engineering Design (DED) Toll Road Causeway Bake – Kayu Agung STA. 108 + 600-138 + 900
  14. 2016-2017, User Services; PT ASDP Ferry Indonesia (Persero) – Procurement Project Management Consultant and preparation of Master Plan for Modern Passenger Terminal and Regional Development Property in Merak, Bakauheni, Ketapang and Gilimanuk
  15. 2016, User Services; Air-port Dekai Yahukimo Nov Goliath – The preparation of the Master Plan for the airport Sobaham Yahukimo
  16. 2016, User Services; PT ASDP Ferry Indonesia (Persero) – Feasibility Study and Review Survey of Investigation and Design Modifications Pier Piers Mamuju
  17. 2016, Ministry of TransportationStudy Master Plan (Master Plan) Airports Kiwirok Star Mountains – Papua
  18. 2015-2016, PT. WaskitaFinal preparation of the Technical Plan / Detailed Engineering Design (DED) Toll Road Bakauheni-Terbanggi Big On Ruas Section 2 Sidomulyo-Kotabaru Sta. 39 + 400 – Sta. 80 + 000
  19. 2015, District Public Works Department, South BangkaPreparation of Water Resources Management Pattern South Bangka district
  20. 2015, PT. Panca Environmental ServicesPlanning Structure Calculation (s) and Civil Building for the Development of New Cikarang Organica WWTP – Jababeka II
  21. 2015, Department of Public Works Prov. East Kalimantan – Master Plan of Flood Control District. Paser
  22. 2015, PT. Bumi Serpong DamaiWidening Design Review ROW 40 Segment Simpang German Center – Simpang Autopart East BSD
  23. 2015-2016, PT. Jakarta Tollroad DevelopmentFinal Technical Plan 6 (six) Toll Roads in the city of Jakarta; Segment 1: Semanan-Sunter and Segment 2: Sunter-Pulo Gebang
  24. 2014, Universitas Pembangunan Jaya, Planning Infrastructure Master Plan and Detailed Engineering Universitas Pembangunan Jaya
  25. 2014-2015, PT. Bumi Serpong DamaiTopography and Detailed Engineering Design Infrastructure Plan Public Cemetery Taban and Mekarwangi
  26. 2014, Provincial Education Office. Riau IslandsDED Development Multipurpose Building Riau Islands Province Education Department
  27. 2014-2015, Paramount Serpong – Paramount SerpongDesign Review Maindrain and Infrastructure Master Plan (336.10 Ha.)
  28. 2014, Department of Public Works Prov. Kep. Bangka BelitungPreparation of Water Resources Management Pattern WS Belitung
  29. 2014, Public Works Department Prov. East KalimantanKandilo Dam Feasibility Study
  30. 2014, Department of Public Works Prov. East KalimantanKuaro Watershed Conservation Studies
  31. 2014, PT. Bumi Serpong Damai, Widening Design Review Ruas Jalan Simpang Row 40 German Center – East BSD Serpong Toll
  32. 2014, Ministry PUPRBantek Facilitation Development Planning Urban Drainage Systems Eastern Region
  33. 2014, PT. Galuh CitarumMacro Drainage System Planning, Housing Region Galuh Mas (100 ha.) Location Karawang
  34. 2014, PT. Galuh CitarumTopography Measurement Complex Integrated Trading and Settlement Asri Galuh Mas – Karawang Barat –
  35. 2014, CBT – Lake Bogor Raya – Infrastructure Baseline Analysis Conseptual Design 120 Ha.
  36. 2014, PT. Duta Dharma Sinarmas – Detailed Engineering Design Infrastructure Project Primera Capitol City Manado
  37. 2014, PT. Tirta Persada Development – Infrastructure Planning Project Vivo Trade Mall in Jalan Sentul Raya Jakarta Bogor Bogor KM 50 Cimandala
  38. 2013 – 2014, PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. – Preparation of Detailed Engineering Design (DED) Region Infrastructure Development Complex PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. Wijayakusuma
  39. 2011, Department of Public Works Prov. East KalimantanWS Kandilo pattern plan SDA
  40. 2013, PT. Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk. – DED Key Infrastructure Phase II.2.3 BSD Region
  41. 2013, PT. Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk. – Infrastructure Planning Plot Commercial Park West
  42. 2013, Department of Public Works Prov. Kaltim, Watershed Conservation Bontang
  43. 2013, Department of Public Works Prov. Kaltim, SID weir Sungai Buluh
  44. 2013, PT. Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk. – DED Fly Over Pagedangan Village
  45. 2012, PT. Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk. – DED Key Infrastructure North Region BSD Phase II.2.1
  46. 2012, Department of Education, Prov. Kep. RiauDED and Maket Establishment of Fisheries & Marine SMK RSBI Riau Islands Province
  47. 2012, PT. Puradelta LestariPlanning Cut & Fill nearby District of Block AA / 27 and Reviews Pond Block AC-GIIC Zone 1 City Extention Deltamas
  48. 2012, PT. Puradelta LestariDetails Planning Road and 54-Channel Row Leisure Park City Deltamas
  49. 2012, Department of Public Works District. BintanTechnical Supervision Development and Improvement of Infrastructure of the Regional Hospital Kijang (1 KEG)
  50. 2012, PT. Puradelta LestariRedesign Pond Series Block AA-GIIC Deltamas City
  51. 2012, PT. Puradelta LestariPlanning Grading 213 Ha. Zone C-GIIC in Deltamas City, Central Cikarang, Bekasi
  52. 2012, Sinarmas LandInfrastructure Planning Lakes Region (North) and the South Lake
  53. 2012, Department of Public Works Prov. East KalimantanWS resource management. Kandilo
  54. 2012, Ministry PUPRStudy of Integrated Infrastructure Development Sector Sector Drainage Region East Flood Canal (PPLP-12-2012)
  55. 2011, PT. Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk. – Infrastructure Planning CBD 55 Ha.-BSD City
  56. 2011-2012, PT. Puradelta LestariEvaluation, Revision and Planning Details Deltamas City Clean Water Network
  57. 2011- 2012, PT. Bumi Serpong DamaiMacro Planning of Municipal Utilities (Electricity and Water) West BSD 2,100 Ha.
  58. 2011-2012, PT. Bumi Serpong DamaiMacro Planning of Municipal Utilities (Electricity and Water) West BSD 2,100 Ha.
  59. 2011, PT. Bumi Serpong DamaiInfrastructure Planning CBD 55 Ha.-BSD City



0 Total Projects
22 Company Experiences
  1. 2002-2012, Location: Banten province, Jakarta, West Kalimantan, Jambi, Riau and Riau Islands, User Services: Ministry of Home Affairs, Project name: National Community Empowerment Program (PNPM). Read More
  2. 2002-2006, Location: Solok, Pesisir Selatan, Sawahlunto Sijunjung, Pasaman, Prov. West Sumatra, User Services: Ministry of Health, Project Name: WSLIC (Water and Sanitation for Low Income Communities). Read More
  3. 2013-2016, Location: Implemented in 359 districts and 33 provinces, User Services: World Bank and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). Project name: PAMSIMAS (Community-based Water Supply). Read More
  4. 2016, Location: 257 point locations spread over 158 districts / cities in 32 provinces, User Services: Ministry PUPR, Project name: SANIMAS (Community Based Sanitation). Read More
  5. 2008-2011, Location: Bengkulu and West Kalimantan, User Services: Ministry of Health, Project name: CWSHP (Community Water Services and Health Project). Read More
  1. 2011-2015, Location: Province of Riau Islands (Tanjung Pinang and Bintan regency), Riau Province (Indragiri Hulu, Kampar, Pekanbaru), User Servies: Ministry PUPR, Project name: Resettlement and Border Area Development Province of Riau and Riau Islands. Read More
  2. 2016, Location: East Java province, User Services: Ministry PUPR, Project name: UKL-UPL Preparation of the National Strategic Area Tourism Region (KSN) Bromo Tengger Semeru (BTS). Read More
  1. 2002 – 2012, User Services; Ministry PUPRNational Community Empowerment Program (PNPM), Province of Banten, Jakarta, West Kalimantan, Jambi, Riau and Riau Islands
  2. 2002 – 2006, User Services; PL Ministry of Health – Water and Sanitation for Low Income Communities (WSLIC), Solok District, South Coast, Sawahlunto Sijunjung, Pasaman, West Sumatra province DG PPM
  3. Community-based Water Supply (PAMSIMAS)
  4. 2016, User Services; Ministry PUPRCommunity Based Sanitation (SANIMAS)
  5. 2008 -2011, User Services; PL Ministry of Health – Community Water Services and Health Project (CWSHP) Bengkulu and West Kalimantan DG PPM
  6. 2017-2020, User Services; Ministry PUPRRegional Oversight Management Service (ROMS) 5 South Sumatra Province, Kep Province. Bangka Belitung
  7. 2016, User Services; Ministry PUPREnvironmental Document Preparation PremÂise Bromo Tengger Semeru in East Java Province
  8. 2015, User Services; Ministry PUPRArea Development Plan Semarang – Surabaya
  9. 2015, User Services; Ministry PUPRUrban Settlement Area Plan Preparation Kab. Bintan
  10. 2015, User Services; The Ministry PUPR – Preparation of the Plan Settlement Region (RKP) Urban Slum Pekanbaru City (Package-001)
  11. 2014, Provincial Government Kep. Bangka Belitung – DED Development of Integrated Office Government of Bangka Belitung province
  12. 2014, The Minisry PUPR – Strategy for Settlement and Urban Infrastructure (SPPIP) Kampar (Package-001)
  13. 2013, User Services; Provincial Government. Bangka Belitung – Preparation of Policy on preparation of Spatial
  14. 2013, User Services; The Provincial Government. South Sumatra Settlement Area Development Plan Formulation Priority (RPKPP) Lahat regency (PT-01)
  15. 2013, User Services; The Ministry PUPR – Settlement Area Development Plan Formulation Priority (RPKPP) Indragiri Hulu (Pack 003)
  16. 2012, User Services; Bintan Local Government – Master Business Plan Preparation of the Free Trade Zone and Free Port of Bintan Regional District. Bintan (1 Pack)
  17. 2012, User Services; Bintal Local Government – Study of Social Territorial Economics at the Free Trade Zone and Free Port Bintan Regional District. Bintan (1 Pack)
  18. 2011, User Services; Ministry PUPR – Settlement Area Development Plan Formulation Priority (RPKPP) Tanjung Pinang
  19. 2012, User Services; Ministry PUPR – Settlement Area Development Plan Formulation Priority (RPKPP) of Bintan
  20. 2012, User Services; Ministry PUPR – Increased Technical Supervision Sector Planning in Region I
  21. 2012, User Services; Ministry PUPR – Mid-Term Program and Activities Settlement Development
  22. 2012, User Services; Urban National Community Empowerment Program (IDB Loan) Oversight Consultant (OC) Regional Management for Package 3 Banten, Jakarta and West Kalimantan Provinces


0 Projects
39 Company Experiences
  1. 2010-2018, Location: Balikpapan – East Kalimantan, User Services: PLN (Persero) Parent Unit Development of the Eastern Kalimantan, Project Name: East Kalimantan Balikpapan Bay Power Plant (2 X110 MW). Read More
  2. 2018, Location: Buntok, South Barito district, Central Kalimantan, User Services: Multi Tambang Jaya Utama (Member of Indika Energy Group), Project name: Manufacture Details Transports Road Design, Bridge, Coal Processing Facility and Pier. Read More
  3. 2009-2011, Location: Tuban, User Services: Semen GersikProject name: Project Management Control (PMC) Tuban Plant- Upgrading Capacity Tuban 1,2,3 & new Coal Mill Tuban 1. Read More
  4. Location: PLTU 3 Bangka, User Services: PLN (Persero), Project name: Construction Supervision and QA / QC 3 Bangka Power Plant Project (2 X 30 MW). Read More
  5. 2006-2010, Location: North Meranti village, District Pitupohan Meranti, Tobasa District – North Sumatra Province, User Services: PLN (Persero), Project name: Asahan Hydropower 3 (2 X 77MW). Read More
  6. 1992-2007, Location: Sidikalang, Medan, North Sumatra, User Services: PLN (Persero), Project name: Hydroelectric Renun (2 X 41 MW). Read More
  7. 2005, Location: Marangkayu village, district. Kukar – East Kalimantan Province, User Services: PT Getra Kaltim Sejahtra, Project name: Coal Terminal Marangkayu. Read More
  8. Location: Sangata – Muara Wahau – Cape Redeb (Berau and East Kutai Regency) East Kalimantan, User Services: PLN (Persero), Project name: Substation & SUTT. Read More
  1. 2018-2019, User Services; PLN (Persero) – Line Survey and Land Research SUTT 150 kV Transmission Line Sintang – Putusibau and Related GI
  2. 2017-2018, User Services; PLN (Persero) – Consulting Services Environmental Management Document Preparation Operations Office and the Home Office PT. PLN (Persero) UIP Eastern Kalimantan
  3. 2017, User Services; PLN (Persero) – Preparation Consulting Services UKL / UPL SUTT 150 kV power plant / MG /GU Kalsel Peaker – Opposite Barito
  4. 2017, User Services; The Ministry PUPRStudy of Improved Efficiency and Effectiveness Uses Typology Product Support Tool Production and Installation of Precast Prestressed Concrete Fiscal Year 2017 (Pack-5)
  5. 2017, User Services; The Ministry PUPRBantek Evaluation of Financial Statements, Asset Management and Records Management Penatan
  6. 2017, User Services; PLN (Persero) – Preparation of UKL / UPL Batulicin Substation 150 kV, 150 kV substation SUTT Batulicin – Landing Point Batulicin, Channel High Voltage Submarine Cable (SKLTT) 150 kV Landing Point Batulicin – Landing Point P. Sea, SUTT P. 150 kV Landing Point Sea – GI and GI 150 kV Kotabaru Kotabaru
  7. 2017, User Services; The Ministry PUPR Link and Match Study of Human Resource Development Construction Cooperation
  8. 2017, User Services; Hutama Karya (Persero) – Document Preparation Consultancy Services Planning and Public Land Acquisition fixing Centerline Road Toll Sigli – Banda Aceh
  9. 2016, User Services; The Ministry PUPR Management Consulting Structuring Archive
  10. 2016, User Services; The Ministry PUPRNeeds and Supply Capability of Construction Development in Region I (Package 7)
  11. 2016, User Services; The Ministry PUPR Assistance Quality Management System Capacity Construction Development Region II FY 2016 (Pack 8)
  12. 2016, User Services; The Ministry PUPR Profile Management Control and Risk Management Infrastructure Investment (Package 13 D)
  13. 2016, User Services; The Ministry PUPR Patrons Technical Consultant Quality Management System
  14. 2016, User Services; The Ministry PUPR Preparation of the Draft Norms, Standards, Guidelines and Criteria Development of Domestic Production Technology and Construction Services Sector Fiscal Year 2016 (Pack 11)
  15. 2016, User Services, The Ministry PUPR Preparation of the Draft Norms, Standards, Guidelines and Criteria Development of Domestic Production Technology and Construction Services Sector Fiscal Year 2016
  16. 2015, User Services; The Ministry PUPR Mapping Study on the Use of Domestic Products Construction Project Funded by the Government (Package 8)
  17. 2015, User Services; The Ministry PUPR Potential Assessment and Resource Capital Support for Large-Scale Enterprise Development Construction (Pack 10)
  18. 2015, User Services; The Ministry PUPR Coaching Management Consulting Services Regional Construction (24 Pack)
  19. 2014-2016, User Services; PT. Nagata DynamicsOwner Consultancy Services Development Engineer Madong micro power plants, North Toraja Regency
  20. 2014, User Services; The Ministry PUPR  – Supervision Consultant Region 4
  21. 20142016; User Services; The Ministry PUPR– Management Consulting Techniques (KMT) West Sulawesi
  22. 2014 – User Services; District Department of Mines and Energy. BintanPreparation of Detailed Engineering Design (DED) for Development Tower SUTM of Kijang to Air Glubi, Malin Large, Small Malin, Tenggel and Kelong Bintan Pesisir sub-district
  23. 2014, User Services; The Ministry PUPR Mapping Study Implementation of Minimum Service Standards for the Construction Services
  24. 2014, User Services; The Ministry PUPR Jakon Trustees Management Consultants Region
  25. 2014, User Services; Brantas Abipraya (Persero) – Detailed Engineering Design Construction Project Access Road Upper Cisokan
  26. 2014, User Services; The Ministry PUPR – Institutional Facilitation Consultant
  27. 2010-2017, User Services; PLN (Persero) – Construction supervision and QA / QC Kaltim power plant (2 X 100 MW) Kariangau in East Kalimantan
  28. 2013, User Services; The Ministry PUPR – Mapping IUJK Publishing Services at Regency / City
  29. 2013, User Services; The Ministry PUPRConsultant Monitoring and Evaluation of Regional Development Construction Services.
  30. 2012, User Services, Indika Logistic & Support ServicesAssessment of Coal Mining Facilities Owned by PT. Mine Multi Jaya Utama at Buntok, South Barito gency, Central Kalimantan
  31. 2012, User Services; The Ministry PUPRPreparation of National Strategy (Road Map) Pembina Construction Services
  32. 2011, User Services; The Ministry PUPRStudy of Improving Competitiveness of the National Construction Industry
  33. 2012, User Services; Harita Jaya Raya – (Detailed Engineering Design-DED) Slope Stability PIT Stones Coal Coal Mine Project in Site Stones, East Kalimantan
  34. 2012, User Services; Harita Jaya Raya – Soil Investigation and Detailed Technical Design (Detailed Engineering Design-DED) Road Transport and Ports in Site Stones, East Kalimantan
  35. 2012-2014, User Services; Indika Logistic & Support Services Port Development Project Management Consultancy and Logistics Base (Supply Base) Kariangau, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan
  36. 2011, User Services; The Ministry PUPR Monitoring, Evaluation and Improvement Permit Issuance Conduct Construction Services – Stage 2
  37. 2011, User Services; Delma Mining CorporationPre-Feasibility Study of the Integrated Industrial Estate Project Ibus, Bulungan, East Kalimantan
  38. 2011, User Services; Perum PerhutaniPlanning Services (Basic Engineering Design) Perum Perhutani Plywood Plant Construction in Kediri
  39. 2011, User Services; Delma Mining Corporation Pre-Feasibility Study of Ibus Integrated Industrial Estate